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Ready for Download: LBM's New Benchmark for Top Dealers
The Construction Supply 150 dives deep into what happened with America’s most important residential construction product dealers in 2020. This inaugural report from Webb Analytics covers 150 LBM dealers, home centers, and hardware chains that took in more than $312 billion last year. That's 82% of the retail sales made by all of the tens of thousands of sellers of retail building products nationwide.
The 40-page report begins with a list of the 150 dealers that includes their location, company type, and both revenues and number of facilities for 2020 and 2019.
But that's just the start. You also get:

A look at how the top 20 rankings have changed because of two major deals that took place in January.
Mini-rankings of the four major types of dealers: lumberyards with manufacturing operations, lumberyards without manufacturing, specialty dealers, and home centers/hardware stores.
The group's sales outlook for 2021.
How sales performance differed by dealer type.
Top dealers based on 2020 sales per location, 2020 sales per employee, and biggest change in both categories from 2019.
A selective look at sales per outside sales rep.
Charts showing products sold, goods manufactured, and installed sales services performed.
Current IT investments and planned upgrades.
Dealers' attitudes toward drugs, particularly marijuana.
Average percentages of women and minorities at dealers nationwide.
Best of all, the report is FREE, thanks to the sponsors listed below. All you need to do to get the report is fill out the form on the right. Once you do, a link to download the PDF report will appear.
The Construction Supply was produced by Webb Analytics based on a combination of surveys, SEC filings, and published reports. It is meant to give a snapshot of the state of construction supply as of year-end 2020. For the most part, the numbers in it show dealers' sales in the U.S. during the calendar year. For some companies, revenue for only the divisions that deal with residential construction are counted. For about a dozen companies, the revenues and facility counts shown are estimates.
Would you like to be part of 2022's Construction Supply 150? Contact Craig Webb for details.
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